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The world's first Internet on-line visa; the first real-time analytics-based border screening system - advances in technology applied to enhancing business operations.

One of Australia’s best border cops lives in a box, works on the cheap and is still on probation.

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship will deploy a new risk tiering system at all international airports to improve its ability to identify “problem travellers” in real time.


The so-called border risk identification system was built and tested in-house over four months, using the open source R environment and about eight years of historical data.


A prototype was deployed in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane airports in late January last year, powered by two Dell desktops.


DIAC’s intent management and analytics director Klaus Felsche said the new system had halved the number of travellers undergoing additional checks at airport immigration points.


The department has $1 million in Australian Government funding to integrate it with border control systems in production at all international airports by March next year.


“Before we did this, we were pulling 2500 people every month in Sydney Airport alone off for additional checking, using what were business-type rules [that were] manual to a large degree,” he said.


“[Of those, we had] 55 cancellations. What that means is we had sufficient evidence to actually cancel a person’s visa – which is a lot harder than refusing one – and sending them back at the airline’s expense.


“Now we’re pulling up about 1200 to 1500 a month, so around half, and we’re getting over 60 effective refusals.”


Felsche said each of the refusals saved the Australian Government $60,000 on average. He told the CeBIT Big Data conference last week that DIAC was sitting on a “platinum mine” of data, with records of more than 500 million border crossings and gigabytes of unstructured intelligence.

DIAC had two data warehouses – a legacy Oracle system and a newer DB2 system – that fed a third sandboxed data store.


Analysts used the third store, as well as records management (TRIM) and intelligence (IMtel) systems to build and test models without affecting the integrity of warehoused data.


Felsche noted that the department was unable to tap into much of other departments’ data stores and social media due to Australian privacy laws.

In January, two friends were detained by US authorities at the Los Angeles International Airport after one tweeted that he would “go and destroy America” – when he reportedly meant that he wanted to party.

“We have to deal with privacy issues and data management issues,”


Felsche told iTnews of the challenges of using social media as an input into DIAC’s risk calculations.


“We have to build systems to store data, potentially integrate it with data that could be quite sensitive, particularly if it’s linked with immigration records.


“So the aim is yes, we would, but not yet. I’ve got much more core, core business to deliver against first which is easier and within my reach.”

Building without a budget.


Felsche credited DIAC’s investment in people, not systems, for its ability to build and test the border risk identification system at relatively low cost.

DIAC analysts initially obtained input data from files that were updated hourly in a group drive. The system returned predictions to airport staff through Excel spreadsheets.


The analytics engine initially ran on three Mac desktops – with a total of 32 processor cores – purchased for a total of $9000 and networked through the Snowflake library in R.


After weeks of having the Sydney Airport “bombarded with 48 Excel spreadsheets every day”, Felsche purchased an off-the-shelf version of database application FileMaker Pro to improve user experience.

Analysts visited airport staff to fine-tune the dashboard. DIAC also consulted with the Commonwealth Bank, Australian Taxation Office, Centrelink and New Zealand Government on its models.


By the time Felsche put forward a formal proposal for funding to the department in May last year, the prototype had already won the support of staff on the ground.


“If I had gone to some of the vendors and said, ‘Give me a solution’, by the time we’ve finished the proposal paperwork and tendering process, we wouldn’t have had any money to buy anything,” he noted.

“If you’re smart about it, almost anybody can do what we’ve done; I wanted to invest in smart people rather than invest in platforms.”


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Read more:,immigration-targets-problem-travellers-with-analytics.aspx#ixzz3dyxCq75C

Working Holiday visa 'double dipper' fraud detections

IIn 2013–14 the department became aware that some young visitors were unlawfully trying to use the Working Holiday visa (subclass 417)—the most popular visa for younger visitors to Australia—to secure ongoing work.

The visa is available to nationals from 19 countries and regions and can be used to visit, study and work in Australia for up to a year. If a Working Holiday visa holder spends three months or more doing designated approved work in regional Australia during their visit, they may be eligible for a second Working Holiday visa for an additional year.


Since 2013, in its efforts to detect people trying to gain unlawful entry to Australia, the department has been using an innovative automated form of discreet profiling that checks every application for a Working Holiday visa.

The people identified by the department were discovered making changes to their true identities in their home countries in an attempt to subvert Australian law and to travel a second time without having completed the regional work requirement. Some were attempting to travel on a third Working Holiday visa under a new identity.


‘In one case, we discovered an applicant who had been able to acquire five Working Holiday visas illegally in this way until we detected the fraud,’ the department’s director of analytics and risk tiering, Klaus Felsche, said.

Using new profiling techniques that do not require visa applicants to provide any additional information as part of the application process, the department has identified, cancelled or refused more than 130 visas by applicants engaged in identity fraud.


The department has been monitoring the fraud offline from visa processing systems to ensure a high level of accuracy and to ensure that the visa application experience of genuine travellers will not be adversely affected. This offline process is scheduled to move to an online fraud monitoring process in late August 2014, integrating the profiling with visa processing systems to enable the department to detect fraud in real-time.


‘We hope our IT fraud-tracking innovation will be able to expand into many other areas of visa application monitoring over the coming years,’ Klaus said.

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